Hidden gate turnstiles, also known as “speed gates”, are generally used in places where
entrance / exit control is made such as commercial centers, offices, schools, stadiums, subway, train and bus stations. In this blog post, detailed information will be given about the functions of hidden
gate turnstiles.
Access control systems such as card readers, finger readers, face recognition systems can be
integrated into hidden gate turnstiles. These systems can easily communicate with the turnstiles thanks to their relay outputs (dry contact). Speed gate are equipped with many functions to control user’s motions. Some of these are listed below:

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• Alarm function number 1: (double pass with single permission)
Let’s say that there is a hidden gate turnstile and this turnstile has card reader to control
entrance&exit access logs. When users scan their access card to card reader, they will have a single permission. If two users try to pass through from turnstile with single permission, the system detects this unauthorized case and gives an buzzer alarm. In this way, the second user’s passage is prevented without permission.
• Alarm function number 2: (Permission is from A, but user tries to pass through B direction)
Turnstiles have different direction concepts such as entrance-exit or directions of A&B. Let’s assume that there are two directions, A&B directions in turnstile, and the user scan his card the A direction reader. If user try to access turnstile from direction B, turnstile sensors detect user and gives an alarm with this function.
• Bag/luggage function:
The motions of users who want to pass through the turnstile with their bags or luggage are detected by sensors. They can easily pass through the turnstile with their luggages thanks to turnstile’s luggage functions. Lack of this feature is observed in most systems on the market. If the turnstile doesn’t have bag/luaggage function, the luggage hits the wings while the user passes through the turnstile.
• User transition timer:
If the user with passage permit stays inside the turnstile longer than the passage time given to him, the user is warned with an buzzer alarm. In this way, the speed turnstile can continue its normal flow.

For more information, visit Optima Engineering.

• Automatic closing function of the turnstile without passage:
If the user who reads his card does not pass through the turnstile, the flaps have to close
automatically within a certain duration. This feature is one of the most important security
functions. A hidden gate turnstile is expected to have the above features in its structure in order to fulfill its duty. Speed access turnstiles, which include these functions in their systems, provide safe and controlled entry / exit to the maximum extent.



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